Training calendar for Running, Cycling, Swimming, Triathlon and more
The training calendar clearly displays your planned and executed workouts. The weekly and monthly calendar view helps you plan your training ahead. The annual training calendar is freely configurable, including all metrics available in Tredict.

Precise training planning
Define training segments, look at required effort and consider the effect on your form curve. Use zone suggestions for quick editing. Create a training with integrated individual effort calculation. Use form prediction and intensity summary to readjust your training plan at any time, so that you can compete at your absolute best.

Configurable series charts
Freely configurable charts and activity segments give you a free hand in training analysis. Choose from more than 90 supported metrics of current recording devices and display them in up to 100 diagrams simultaneously. Training series data can be simplified, smoothed or even edited in case something went wrong during recording.

Configurable segments analysis
Configure columns of the segments and laps view according to your needs and choose from more than 30 possible values. Sort by intensity, efficiency or simply by speed.

Flexible analysis options
Use aggregation and relation charts to discover relational effects and make statistical assumptions. Variable time periods give you a granular insight into your training periods. Aggregated intensity and zone distribution allow you to control intensity precisely.

Aggregation charts with variable time periods
Weekly or monthly aggregation of unlimited time periods lets you flexibly create and evaluate diagrams from more than 80 possible values.
Forecast and effort recommendation
- Have your daily fitness value in focus and make predictions for your performance. Combined with effort and regeneration recommendations, you can accurately plan the effort of your next units.
Read more about Form and Fitness
Form forecasting and prediction
Follow and readjust your training plan reactively. Make a prediction of how tapering affects your performance. Avoid overloading. Visualize your training periodization. Based on the proven Banister model, Tredict calculates your fitness and performance for running, cycling, swimming and other endurance sports.
Form trend to competition day
Adjust your training schedule to get the best possible fitness value during a competition. The form curve shows the effects of your planned training and allows you to find a good balance between training stimulus and regeneration.

Redundantly calculated
- Redundant effort calculation by power (watts), heart rate and pace are the basis for accurate form predictions.
Read more about Zones and Effort
Redundant effort calculation
Get accurate efforts through a redundant effort calculation from heart rate, power and speed, combined with duration and intensity. Set the priority of the input values manually, if you prefer power over heart rate. Tredict knows your high intensity workouts and adjusts the effort according to the intensity level. Effort is accurately calculated for cycling, running, swimming and other endurance sports.

- The intensity display in the calendar, training and equipment view gives you a quick overview of your training intensities over different time periods, even in advance.
Read more about Intensity
Intensity distribution
The intensity distribution shows you quickly and precicly the intensity of a training or a certain period of time. Tredict determines the intensity distribution from the zone definitions you can create for corresponding time periods.
Intensity in focus
The calendar view, planning, analysis and evaluation offer numerous possibilities to precisely determine your training intensities. You always have the intensities of individual workouts or granular time periods in focus.

Precise evolution
- Define and adjust heart rate, power, pace and cadence zones for precise effort and intensity control. Revisions allow you to control evolution of the zones. No miscalculation of older activities through zone adjustment.
Read more about Zones and Zone templates
Blog: How the zones influence the effort
Zone distribution
A clear zone distribution of your cadence, power, pace and heart rate zones giving detailed insights into the zone sections of your training and letting you determine intensity-related average values.

Period-based zone revisions
Zone revisions enable a period-based adjustment in effort and intensity calculation and prevent incorrect calculations. Adjust your zones according to your current fitness level without losing historical state.

Performance curves for all zone types
Determine maximum average values for speed, power, heart rate and cadence. Assume activity behavior and utilized power. Approximate thresholds such as FTP, FTPa and Maximum Heart rate.

Trend indicators
- Benefit from aerobic and economic efficiency metrics in cycling, running and swimming. Look at trend indicators to see if your efficiencies have improved or fallen during training.
Read more about Efficiency
Blog: Visualize and recognize fatigue in the training analysis
Efficiency metrics with trend indicators
Trend indicators give you an immediate indication of the development of your efficiency and the effectiveness with which you train. Aggregate aerobic efficiency values such as Heart Rate Power Factor or VO2max. Power meters give you the opportunity to view your economy over time.

Track injuries and body values
- Track injuries and illnesses and see how they affect your workout. Always keep an eye on the change in your body values.
Read more about Injuries and Illnesses
Track injuries and illnesses
Endurance sports are injury-intensive sports. Maintain your disease history and determine injury intensity. View your injuries in the training calendar and training evaluation. If you are accompanied by a coach, he or she can adapt your training plan to your health condition.

Comprehensive statistics
- Analyse the relationship of effort and intensity to your shoes, bikes and other equipment.
More about Equipment
Equipment tracking with variable columns
Whether it's a road bike, running shoe or backpack, record the wear and tear, lifespan and preferred training intensity of your equipment. Manage your equipment table and configure the columns from a variety of values. Sort by average effort or intensity distribution.

Evaluation and analysis
- Get comprehensive weather information for every activity and display relationship effects in the analysis view.
Read more about Environment and Weather
Weather data in the training analysis
The environment and weather have a significant impact on mental and physical performance during outdoor training. Tredict displays detailed weather data for each training session performed. In the overall evaluation of the training plan, versatile relationships to other performance metrics can be displayed.

Fastest distances and maximum averages
- Celebrate your fastest distances. Analyze your maximum average heart rate, watts and speed over variable time periods.
More about Track times
Blog: Determine Lactate Threshold, FTP and FTPa automatically
Capacity values over time
View your capacity values over time. Revisions allow you to assign your activities to a time period. Create relationships in the analysis. FTPa and FTP are related in Tredict, so that changing between power meters is possible without affecting the effort calculation.

Watches, bike computers, pedal sensors, footpods, etc.
- Support for all modern sports and activity recording devices and sensors with FIT or TCX file format.
List of tested devices and services
Automatically synchronize your training calendar with Garmin Connect
Services with automatic synchronization
Tredict supports the automatic synchronization of your workouts with a variety of sports watch manufacturers. With the Garmin Training API, your training calendar planned in Tredict can even be automatically synchronized with your watch. Upload scheduled roller workouts to icTrainer or get your complete workout plan from Today's Plan. HRV and sleep data are synchronised from Garmin, Polar or your Oura Ring. With Garmin Connect, Polar Flow, Suunto, Wahoo, Coros and Adidas Running, your training sessions can be automatically loaded into the Tredict training calendar. This makes endurance sports fun!
Power meters and other devices
The metrics of modern power meters are seamlessly integrated into Tredict. Do you have a Stryd footpod or a Garmin Vector bike pedal? Your extra devices are supported!

Free coach and trainer account
- Create a free coach account and connect with other Tredict athletes. As a coach you can take over the training planning and analysis of your athletes.
Read more about the free coaching mode
Register for free in the coaches directory
Check out training plans for endurance sports
Guido on the trainer function:
"Tredict inspires me as an athlete and especially as a coach because of its logical, structured design with its many evaluation options, without it seeming overloaded. Since Tredict, the 'Excel' exchange with my athletes is a thing of the past. If you want to support friends, acquaintances, colleagues as a coach or trainer, you will find a suitable, uncomplicated and inexpensive tool in Tredict."
Training plans
Create your own training plans, publish them under a Creative Commons license or use your training plan internally when planning training with your athletes.

Program your own custom fields
- Program your own user-defined custom fields and display them in the activity, training overview and analysis, just like other metrics.
Tutorial: Create your own training metrics
Custom fields
Program your own user-defined custom metrics in JavaScript and display them in the activity view, training overview and analysis. Access all activity values and zone definitions. Custom fields can be sorted, aggregated and related to each other, just like all other values.

No lip-service
- Our business model is your full access fee.
No tracking and analysis scripts
Your Tredict account can be cancelled and deleted at any time. We offer you full availability of your data, which is stored in our German data center. You may rely on our competence and experience in data security. Tredict will be happy to provide you with further information.
No third parties *
No advertising
No sale of your data
No marketing bombardment* Exceptions: map service (can be deactivated), weather service (can be deactivated), payment service (only for a payment process), connection to the push service of your sports watch (only if you initiate this)
Read the article: We don't track you
Read the privacy policy
Powerful platform with individual help
- Tredict offers you individualised answers to your questions. A powerful and performant platform that doesn't distract you from the essentials.
Designed to sustain your endurance.