Body data
Body data
The body data changes with your age and fitness level and can be adjusted, updated and tracked via revisions.
Values such as resting heart rate or weight are important for the effort calculation or the efficiency metrics.
With Garmin Connect or Withings your body values can be synchronized automatically.
See: Which recording devices and services are supported?
Resting heart rate
The resting heart rate, or static resting heart rate, is the heart rate that you can consistently achieve when you are completely relaxed.
The static resting heart rate is used to calculate effort by heart rate, the Vo2Max and other capacity indicators. Therefore, you should only change the static resting heart rate if it has really changed over a longer period of time. Otherwise the capacity indicators lose their comparability.
The static resting heart rate is best determined after waking up, when you have slept well, are completely stress-free, relaxed and healthy.
Dynamic resting heart rate
The dynamic resting heart rate is the lowest heart rate you have reached during the day and is usually measured by your fitness watch.
The dynamic resting heart rate is increased by factors such as stress or illness and therefore cannot reflect your absolute capacity. If you have measured a very low dynamic resting heart rate over a longer period of time, then you can consider transferring this to the static resting heart rate so that your effort and capacity indicators can be calculated more accurately.
Dynamic maximum heart rate
The dynamic maximum heart rate is the highest heart rate you have reached during the day and is also measured by your fitness watch.
The dynamic maximum heart rate is not your absolute maximum heart rate, which you can only reach in the toughest competitions and is therefore not suitable for calculating your capacities. In combination with the dynamic resting heart rate, however, you can draw conclusions about your activity behaviour or state of health.
Using your body size, you can determine your optimal cadence in relation to speed in the pace and cadence calculator.
Water, fat and muscle
The ratio of water, fat and muscle to one other is an important indicator of your overall performance capabilities.