Proprietary data
Proprietary data

Proprietary values, such as Recovery time, Lactate threshold, Aerobic Training Effect, VO2max, etc, are provided by your sports watch manufacturer and may have been acquired by the latter under license from a third company.
Proprietary VO2max deviates
Experience has shown that the proprietary VO²max value is somewhat higher during low intensity training then the VO²max value Tredict shows. In other words, the value is rather too low for training sessions with high intensity. The exact algorithm behind this is not known to us.
01. Introduction
02. Effort
03. Capacity
04. Zones
05. Intensity distribution
06. Zone distribution
07. Form and Fitness
08. Training calendar
09. Activity planning
10. Templates
11. Activity summary
12. Activity attributes
13. Performance
14. Dynamics
15. Series chart
16. Map
17. Segments
18. Elevation distribution and data
19. Capacity indicators and efficiency indicators
20. Power curve and mean maximum values
21. Track times
22. Proprietary data
23. Environment and Weather
24. Race results
25. Custom fields
26. Aggregation chart
27. Relation chart
28. Body data
29. Injuries and Illnesses
30. Equipment
31. Coach
32. Public coach profile
33. Training plans
34. Sell training plans